Saturday, August 31, 2019

Asylum Seekers †a Contemporary Social Issues in Australian Society Essay

The Oxford English Dictionary defines asylum as the shelter afforded by a country to someone who has had to leave their country of origin due to danger from political or other reasons (Oxford English Dictionary 2012). Structuralism, according to Babbie (2006), is a theory supporting the establishment of communities of different cultures. This paper will discuss the concept of asylum seekers in Australia as part of multiculturalism within the global population flow and critically examine the roles and values of the Australian people towards â€Å"uninvited immigrants† and the policies in relation to the recent influx of asylum seekers. Specifically, this paper will first give an overview of Australians and asylum seekers, then discuss the history of asylum seekers coming to Australia and review the effectiveness of current policies in addressing the issues surrounding admission of asylum seekers. The paper will also examine the arguments and issues surrounding the policies for, and attitudes towards asylum seekers, as viewed through the lens of structural functionalism. Finally the paper will conclude with an overview of Australia’s current multicultural strategy for asylum seekers and what the future holds as globalisation increases. As the complex issues surrounding asylum seekers in Australia are increasingly challenged, constant changes due to globalisation and population flow affect Australia’s political, economical and social stance towards those seeking asylum (Jupp, 2007). The broader field of population flows and multiculturalism is the topic within which the issue of asylum seekers looking for entry into a multicultural Australia is contextualised. The Settlement Council of Australia (SOCA) is the main organisation nationally representing the settlement service division and has a close working relationship with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. SOCA states that a refugee is a victim of oppression who fits the description of a refugee as set out in the 1951 agreement concerning the Status of Refugees, of which Australia is a participant, whereas an asylum seeker has already sought protection from the government under international law and is awaiting a decision on their status. (SOCA, 2012). The current view of multiculturalism, and the approach to asylum seekers amongst Australians today, is still mixed (McMaster, 2001). It is difficult for some to accept what they perceive as outsiders queue jumping in to the system to obtain status. Multiculturalism is a vital element of the settlement procedure, assisting in establishing the best environment for settlement to occur (SOCA, 2012). To understand the desperation faced by asylum seekers is hard, and we can only draw from media coverage or second-hand knowledge, if not personally experienced (Suter, 2001). Most will have fled from their homeland due to tyranny, warfare, or horrendous abuses of their human rights. As argued by Suter (2001), Australia has reacted with obstinacy over recent years with the growing arrival of asylum seekers from countries, such as Afghanistan in 2001, where the refugees were refused entry to Australia forced to relocate to Indonesia as the boat had initially foundered in Indonesian waters. International condemnation did nothing to soften the government’s stance and interestingly, most Australians, according to surveys at the time, supported the government’s hard line. The fear of invasion still seems pervasive amongst many (Suter 2001). The humanitarian element of protection is superseded by a fact that another person is attempting to get into the country and must be assessed. As SOCA states, the reinstatement of processing migrants off-shore will have a large impact psychologically on people who are vulnerable with a bleak and uncertain outlook surrounding their status in Australia. For those arriving by boat separation from their families is traumatic and the restoration of devastated families is a main element in settling successfully. Asylum seekers will need continued support from the community during difficult times of change while establishing a safer and more protected life (SOCA, 2012). It is significant that multiculturalism is a policy that recognises, and endorses, cultural diversity, not non-racism (Van Krieken, Habibis, Smith, Hutchins, Haralambos, & Holborn 2006). Australia has received immigrants for many years, as Jupp (2007) discusses, emigrants from Europe arrived in 1788, opening the way for 160,000 convicts. The Immigration Restriction Act, introduced in 1901 named the ‘White Australia Policy’, was to prevent the admission of non- Europeans into Australia. As the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship state, Australia assesses claims made by asylum seekers under the Migrations Act 1988 and Migration Regulations 1994. There is also an independent review process for people who arrive by sea know as â€Å"irregular maritime arrivals† and asylum is granted on individual circumstances after thorough background checks, which in some cases take years. Whilst waiting for their status to be recognised, asylum seekers are required to remain in detention centres (Commonwealth, 2012). The statistics published by the Department of Immigration show that when the Refugees Convention was set up in 1951 around 1. 5 million immigrants existed worldwide. Towards the close of 2010 that figure had risen to 43. 7 million, comprising many refugees, some 15 million with over 838,000 seekers of asylum and 27million relocated from their country of origin (Commonwealth, 2012). Whilst it is difficult to account for exactly why people are displaced, a large number may be foreign students and people looking for changes in lifestyle, due to globalisation and easier forms of transport (Xu, 2007). There are still many people from war torn countries escaping from oppressive and deadly regimes looking for an improved lifestyle for their relatives and loved ones. (Lusher & Haslam, 2007). Australia is a socially diverse country, which has grown to accept and embrace differing cultures. Race and racism were a fundamental part of the national Australian community, as in the case of the Aboriginal Australians, to be rid of those considered racially disagreeable, those who were not â€Å"white†. As Lusher and Haslam (2007) discuss, historically up to the First World War, the admission of Europeans to Australia was virtually unobstructed, so there was no motive to assess immigrants entering due to persecution in their country of origin. The Second World War saw the admission of many Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany with Australia assisting in an international aid scheme. Following on from the ever-increasing influx of refugees, Australia was one of the first to sign the United Nations document on the Status of Refugees in 1951 (Jupp, 2007). From then on, Australia accepted some refugees, and rejected others. Australia’s policy on refugees has consistently formed part of its immigration policy. The first major modern controversy, which sets the scene for today’s issues, was in 1977 when a boat carrying Vietnamese refugees arrived off the coast of Darwin. The media then used labels, such as â€Å"queue jumpers† and â€Å"Boat people†, names that hold to this day (Jupp, 2007). Historical incidents such as this give a background to the treatment of asylum seekers today and what some might see as Australia’s contemptuous and cold-hearted management towards them. The numbers of refugees and asylum seekers is growing annually, as statistics from the Refugee Council of Australia show: five people arrived by boat during 1975 to 1976 compared to 4,730 on 89 boats during 2010 to 2011 (Refugee Council, 2012). Yon (2000) asserts that many Australians of â€Å"old† – or white – descent still do not identify with the multiculturalism’s view of the â€Å"new† Australia. These fundamental ideas not only marginalise ethnic cultures, but also are destructive as they produce a situation whereby â€Å"old† Australians position themselves as being on the outside of a multicultural Australia. To assert that the legitimacy of the current Australian policy on asylum seekers is being questioned is understandable when viewed from a structural functionalism perspective. People with different cultural beliefs and values come together, particularly in the strained circumstances of asylum seeking; one party running for fear of their lives and Australian Immigration viewing this flight as another invasion (McMaster, 2001). Many, according to Tepperman and Blain (2006), believe that Australia’s multicultural policy should be restructured to accommodate the rapid advances in globalisation bringing together more ethnic cultures and be in line with assimilation of ethnic cultures whilst working towards a common goal. Current policies in Australia to assist asylum seekers are not effective in this age of globalisation, and should be focused on as a matter of urgency (Lusher & Haslam 2007). On July 21, 2012 in The Australian, Cameron Stewart discusses that the government’s current policy on refugees and asylum seekers which has, until recently, been the one of the basic key stones of Australia’s commitment to human rights and is now in danger of collapse. The ineffectiveness of the current policy is highlighted by the inability of the government to prevent people smugglers bringing more boats to Australian shores, hence more and more people are arriving. But, the government continued to maintain a policy, initiated in 1996 by the Howard government, which set a cap on the intake allowed each year and which is currently much lower than the influx of new refugees to these shores (Stewart, 2012). The United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (Article 13) declares people should be able to leave their place of origin with a right to decent health care, food, housing and a right to the safekeeping in areas of welfare such as unemployment, illness of death of a family member (Article 25). The UDHR also states (Article 2) that no one should be discriminated against based on of his or her viewpoint politically, or his or her status internationally (UDHR 2012, cited Xu, Q 2007). The United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) advised Australia in April 2010 to seek out better options than the detention of asylum seekers who arrive by boat. The UNHRC is still in discussion with the Australian government on the best way to reduce the deferment of the mounting claims for asylum and compulsory detention, whilst concentrating on the wellbeing and health of asylum seekers in Australia (UNHRC, 2012). The theory of structural functionalism, argues that each of us is born, into set communal structures that have fixed behavioural expectations, which people generally do not contravene (Van Krieken et al, 2006). Social issues are approached scientifically assessing changes in urban growth, population flow to explain the structures underpinning society. As Bessant and Watts (2007) assert, structural functionalists focus on statistics of given situations, which are then used to describe the progress of and structure of social development and may help to create the basis of a policy on multiculturalism. Babbie (2010) posits that it is pertinent to understand how a person who once fitted in to a different society with different roles and functions may have difficulties initially, or if ever, adapting to the structure and function which makes up Australian contemporary society. It is therefore useful using the structural perspective, to assess the asylum seekers who may appear disruptive when placed for months in detention centres, as people who are displaced from their â€Å"norm† and are reacting against that displacement. Structural functionalism would be looking to understand why problems are occurring and what could be done to effectively integrate the asylum seekers into the Australian larger society, taking into account the adjustments that would be needed for those people to assimilate (Babbie 2010). According to Xu (2007), using the welfare benefit system is crucial for helping the acculturation and settlement of all immigrants. Yet as Xu (2007) notes, resentment amongst many Australian citizens is building towards asylum seekers as they often take low-paid jobs, out of necessity, which contributes to employment issues and a sense of insecurity for many indigenous and natural born workers. As a result, over the last 20 years Australia has moved its policy on immigration to focus more on assimilating asylum seekers and refugees with discussions about multiculturalism, and how that affects the native Australians, and less on the welfare of the immigrants arriving, sometimes under dire circumstances (Xu, 2007). In conclusion the analysis in this paper of the social issue of asylum seekers admitted into Australia suggest that many factors may disrupt feelings amongst native Australians, and unless handled sensitively the deep rooted fear of invasion, which still endures for many, will not go away (Jupp, 2007). Multiculturalism does not have the legitimacy it was trying to assume and marginalisation of asylum seekers still exists. As Bessant and Watts (2007) show when viewed through the paradigm of the structural functionalism theory, the current Australian policies on the treatment of asylum seekers create maladaptation and malignancies. An irrefutable fact exists, asserts Jupp (2007), which is globalisation. More people daily are coming to and from Australia and continually communicating with other countries and cultures. The frenetic pace of globalisation and the ensuing and inevitable cultural change in the form of assimilation is inevitable (Xu, 2007). The emphasis, according to Xu (2007) should be on a tactical approach that creates a long-term solution to prioritise the management and protection of asylum seekers across Australia, and adapting current policies on immigration to ensure that migrants skirting around current arrangements make no gain. The focus therefore should be on Australian observance of its international responsibilities concentrating on an improved policy for immigration, encouraging a reasonable and managed humanitarian programme which minimises fear and anxiety across all sectors yet creates an adhesive force for change.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A good leader Essay

INTRODUCTION There has been always considerable discussion about connection between great leaders and good followers. It is said that in order to be a good leader person should be a good follower. In my point of, a good leader is the person who also has been a good follower, person who has proven oneself ability to follow the instructions, who can subjugate one’s will to the will of others who has undertaken the responsibility of leadership, able to make constructive comments and debate issues when necessary and able to stand up for the principles in which one believes. The person who can manage to perform about mentioned missions can be called a good follower. However, it does not mean all good followers become always good leaders. There are some people who are astounding as choir singers but awful as choir directors. There are many great followers who are not good leaders. Nevertheless, it should be noted that good leaders and good followers usually posses the same characteristics and responsibilities which may be the main reason for considering an opinion that a good leaders also obliged to be a good follower. Leaders the ones who have brought our life many changes, make differences and make our life more interesting and interactive. But, if there were not followers there would not be a good leader, as, followers the most essential assets of a good leader. 1. Some people understand a leader simply as somebody whom people can follow or as someone who guides or directs others, while others define leader as a person who affects a group of people towards the achievement of a goal. With regard to follower, follower is a person who follows another`s teachings and  belief, one who admits the command, guidance and leadership of another one ( Some held conception that to be a good leader you ought to be a good follower. In order to be a leader, a person at first should learn how to be a good follower. Initially, majority of great leaders followed in the footsteps of other good leaders and utilized training to achieve their leadership goals. In order to have followers, a good leader must have ability to comprehend his or her followers and what the followers desire from the leader. And, the best way to implement it, the leader should be a good follower. As, rich people usually cannot understand poor people`s condition, if only the rich did not experience the poverty in their own life. The poor people can comprehend each other better because they have similar problems. Moreover, we are all followers in some spheres of our lives. And in this case, we can obtain some essential qualities and skills which help us to become a good leader. The reason for this is training which considered as a powerful tool in order to attract one’s vision to higher sights, increasing their performance to a higher standard, and forming a personality beyond its usual limitations to its full potential. For instance, in the history, the Apostle Peter had made a lot of mistakes before he followed Jesus. After following Jesus for three years Apostle Peter and his fellow-disciples â€Å"turned the world upside down†( John C.Maxwell,1998) Besides, leaders and followers divide some characteristics. 2. These are the following qualities: Awareness Ð ¡urrently, leÐ °ders have to know about different audiences including board members, customers, coworkers, colleagues, and the audience on the whole. You oblige to know what it tÐ °kes to bring them Ð °long, if you desire to be good a leader. In order to be a follower you should educate yourself how to be conscious of the requirements of public as well as their potential to â€Å"make one`s life hell from one second to the next† (Barbarra Kellerman) .Good followers study to read public and comprehend what distresses and stimulates them. Diplomacy When good followers meet a co-worker with frantic political beliefs or an offensive manager, they are maybe not going to struggle every fight. To take  part in a position of the follower is less risky, easier, and often simpler. Good followers observe how to handle with those who possess dissimilarities while not disregarding those differences. That is an essential leadership feature, for the reason that a manager or leader cannot afford to be unconscious to the relations of those people who surrounds him or her ( Courage Being a good follower indicates owning the bravery to disagree if you believe your manager, superior or leader is acting something incorrectly. That is always complicated, but it demands the strength of belief which is very essential to good leadership. Being a good leader is complex in methods that are rather alike to being a good follower. It means paying attention, being engaged, having the bravery to cry out when something is not proper way. Also, it means possessing the power and activity to encourage a leader or manager who is implementing things wisely and well. Collaboration In many cases, the leader influences if and how the goals are accomplished while followers are able to implement or break. Even though the leader may receive most of the credit, in many business sectors, followers are the people who are acting much of the creative work. Leaders who have been good followers comprehend how to work with people who can help to bring out the well enough in them. One of great leader said that â€Å"Was it the imaginative collective of team members at Apple, or did Steve Jobs really invent the iPod and iPhone? Currently, leaders may be reckoned up not only by how much is accomplished or produced, but by the quality of its members and the team or organization† (Ronald E. Riggio). Critical Thinking You need to be able to believe for yourself, in order to be a good follower. The best followers encourage and help the leader when he or she is acting the correct thing, and stand up to the leader when he or she is directed in the wrong direction. Many of the same qualities that we are enraptured with leaders competence, motivation, intelligence-are similar characteristics that we desire in the very best followers ( Besides, leaders, in spite of their degree, they also must follow. 3. Even though, leaders and followers share the same qualities, also, there is still much dissimilarity between them. Leader has to be isolated and independent in order to rely on himself. A bright example of this can be seen in the book called â€Å"Ender`s game†Ender had been isolated in order to make him struggle. That was the only way he would ever have been otherwise. Moreover, it made him untrusting, angry, strong and lonely. But, maybe these qualities made him a better soldier† ( . Leader is usually the person who is being relied on his followers. Followers only must be efficient during the struggle. They have to be capable to implement the commands by their leader, with own skills. In other cases, it is not so essential to be that competent. They could ask aid from their leader or friends. But, leaders, cannot ask for aid from his followers because, otherwise his followers may consider him incompetent. Being a leader is not as easy as being a follower. Leaders illustrate inventiveness; when they have a general clutch for a project they can strategically lay out the most appropriate way to reach the final goal while followers require step by step instruction and expect direction to follow by the leader. They need regular approval and guarantee, in case, something goes wrong. Leaders are not content with simply expecting for the next step because they are very active. They disdain inactivity and when there is lack of progress. They are motivated by subjugating any obstacles in their way and accept responsibility. With regard to followers, they escape from amenability and would prefer when somebody else is â€Å"amenable† instead of them. Also, they agree with inaction as long as a leader does not motivate them to carry out the objectives. When followers usually experience obstacles in certain kind of work, they are not capable to manage with them alone. Leader is the one who can help to a follower how to handle with difficulties. Leaders are not afraid of a strong sense of anxiety or fear; on the contrary they prosper on it. They show that they have ability to manage with everything and very quick in making decisions. They attack fear and tackle it head on and show it who the boss is. With reference to followers, when they have to make a decision, they usually feel fear which causes to escape from a challenge without any real exculpation. Because they try rarely to make something new and they are not capable to risk (Dale Carnegie, 2010). Followers disdain any alterations and attempt to avoid them. Leaders are innovators and  intuitive so they accept changes. Moreover, they are aware that sometimes it is possible that some changes can be very beneficial and may help people to achieve their objectives as well as improving and flourishing their experiences too. 4. Like many traits of the prominent people, being a good leader is an elusive characteristic and very complicated to describe. Many people have different conception of a great leader. But, in my view, a good leader is the person who, first of all, has ability to make impossible things possible in order to be distinguished from other people and his followers. Also, a leader needs to comprehend what objectives and purposes are to be accomplished and needs to stick to those objectives and purposes and by never compromising with the truth. Even though, there are times when leader may have to yield a little, bend a little, but he should always have a clear vision of the final objective that he and his followers have wish to achieve. He must focus completely and totally to attaining the aim, by not permitting himself to be diverted, inactive, complaisant and negligent ( order to be a good leader, I would try to be quicker to evaluate and criticize myself in order th at I may benefit from my personal self-analysis and amend myself constantly and try to not to be hurry to adjudicate others. A good leader has to listen to constructive remark and must hear frank complaints and reckon up them with good criticism in order to appeal that which is affirmative and positive to the achievement of the objectives to which I am dedicated. If, I were a leader the first thing I would do is analyzing the aim which is needed to achieve and arranging everything in proper way. Analyzing includes not only finding out the goals, but, it also comprises followers or people who will work with you and what is the best appropriate method to attain the goal with the help of your team. When you analyze your followers, you will be aware what they desire and which qualities and abilities they have and how to help them to overcome and turn their weaknesses into the strength in order to achieve common goals. Moreover, it is vitally essential to work out and develop a strategy in order to attain objectives with a help of your team and find out your concur rents and enemies and how to overcome them so as to become more powerful and successful. A bright example of a great leader that I would like to take is Alan Mulally who is CEO of Ford Motor Corporation and also has taken the third place in the list of Great leaders in the world (Fortune  Magazine, 2014). He says that â€Å"One of the most essential tasks of the leader’s work is intensifying the process we are utilizing to attain our objectives. Furthermore, it is not only the way of simply asking, â€Å"How are we doing?† It is requiring, â€Å"How are we performing against the project? What are the spheres that demands particular attention? At the end of the year, what strategies have we worked out to ameliorate our fulfillment in next year?†(Rirk Kinkland, McKinsey Publishing 2013). 5. Some key qualities that I would like to possess and implement, if I were a leader are the following: Honesty and Responsibility An essential and basis element of a great leader is honesty. Your business and followers are a reflection of yourself, and if you are honest and behave yourself ethically it will be a key value for your followers to follow suit. Moreover, if you are not honest, responsible and reliable person you will not have people who will follow you. So, if your co-workers and followers do not trust you, it is impossible to be a leader. It is very important for the people who will follow you to be sure that they can rely on you and that you keep your promises. Also, the good leader should be dedicated towards his or her job because it shows that you feel responsibility. However, a good leader also must differentiate the people and followers whom he can trust in order not to be sure that his followers will always support him during attaining the goals. Communication Good communication skills aid the leader to communicate easily and to share ideas or exchange with opinions with his followers. Also, it is important to elude misunderstanding in an organization because knowing what you desire to be implemented might seem transparent in your head, but if you try to clarify it to somebody else and it may be comprehended in a different way which may cause to a problem. So, being capable to succinctly and clearly describe what you want to be accomplished is vitally essential. Besides, a leader should possess this trait to communicate with his client with various backgrounds. Vision Being a great leader also includes possessing and developing vision. It means having â€Å"vision† to forecast the future as if it were already here. A bright  example can be Steve Job, who often performed this. He created a transparent picture in minds of people how a new output would alter the world — before even it was launched. He had ability to make humans excited about the future which he imagined in his mind. Good leaders must develop the talent of vision in them as well as in followers to encourage them to be better in those skills which they possess. It helps to commit innovations and attain common goals. Positive Attitude A good leader should have a positive thinking and attitude in order to stimulate confidence and acquire inner strength. It is essential to remember, that confident and calm leader is a good example for his followers to feel the same. Besides, a great leader must motivate his followers and people around. If your followers feel happiness and are motivated, there are more chances to reach the best achievements and moving ahead. Also, a good leader must be capable to solve problem and find the solution to every problem which he encounters in life and not avoid it. And, it is usually easier to find solution to the problem when you are calm, confident and have positive mind-set. Conclusion By way of conclusion, it can be marked that being a leader is more complicated than many people expect it. Being leader requires many efforts, hard work and a plenty of affirmative traits which hare complex to attain. With regard to followers, it is easier to be a follower rather than being a leader. Even though, followers and leaders share similar qualities, not every good follower can become a good leader because there are many differences as well. One of the main differences between them is responsibility. Leaders oblige to be responsible not only for their actions, but, as well as they must be responsible for deeds of their followers. Furthermore, leaders are braver, creative and more inclined to risk. People who try to avoid challenges are better to be followers than being a leader of a group of people. I think every leader must always learn in order to be very smart and try to obtain more knowledge and experience in different kind of spheres. But, the main task of leaders to help people to achieve common goals and direct his followers. Also, leaders have to always try to  be a great person who can change the world to the positive side and make it better. References 1. Barbara Kellerman [2009] â€Å"How Followers are Creating Change and Changing Leaders† Available [online]: [March 17, 2009] 2. Carol Giannantonio[2011] â€Å"A Great Leader Is A Great Follower† Available [online]: [July,2011] 3. Dale Carnegie [2010] â€Å"How to Win Friends and Influence People† Available [online]: [February, 2008] 4. Fortune Magazine[2014] â€Å"Fortune ranks the World’s 50 Greatest Leaders† Available [online]: [March, 2014] 5. Gwen Moran[2007] â€Å"A person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal† Available [online]: s/leader.htm[September 26, 2007] 6. James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner[2010] â€Å"The Truth about leadership† Available [online]:[September, 2010] 7. John C. Maxwell [1998] â€Å"The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership † Available from: [September, 2008] 8. Rik Kirkland[2006] â€Å"Leading in the 21st century† Available [online]: [ November, 2013] 9. Ronald E. Riggio[2013] â€Å"Leaders lead. Followers followâ€Å"Available[online]:[April, 2014]

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Power and Dependency

Section B: The Power-Dependency Relationship In order to understand power, one must understand that it comes from dependency. Power and dependence have a causal relationship in that power creates dependence and vice versa. In addition, power and dependence are positively correlated because the degree of power A has over B is equal to the degree of dependence A has on B (Molm, 1990). Therefore, the more power A has over B, the more dependent B will be on A. â€Å"Dependence increases when the resource [one controls] is important, scarce, and non-substitutable (Robbins & Judge, 2013)†.To illustrate this point, consider the following: 1. Importance – If A places great value on a resource B controls, then A’s dependence on B increases. For example in the given scenario, Employee 1 places great value on receiving a large bonus that will be used to go on a much needed vacation. Since the bonus depends on the performance review rating given by the manager, Employee 1’s dependence on the manager increases. This can also be demonstrated in Employee 3’s case. The sales team places high importance on increasing sales. Employee 3 used referent power to convince the team to try the new idea and was selected to lead the team.The sales team is now dependent on Employee 3 to be their leader and generate increased sales. 2. Scarcity – If A has sole control over a resource that B considers valuable or important then B will be solely dependent on A. For instance, Employee 2 is the only CPA in the company and as a result is the only employee able to prepare financial statements. CPA’s are scarce in the company therefore the accounting manager’s dependence on Employee 2 increases. The manager is solely dependent on Employee 2 to complete this vital task for the company.Another example can be seen in Employee 1’s case. Employee 1’s manager has sole control over the performance review rating which means that he or she is solely dependent on the manager. 3. Non-Substitutability – The less alternatives there are for a resource which A controls and B requires, the more B will be dependent on A for that resource. The Accounting Manager over Employee 2 has Legitimate Power to approve the shortened workweek and that power cannot be substituted by any other employee in the company. As a result, Employee 2 is solely dependent on the manager to approve the schedule.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Identities and globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Identities and globalization - Essay Example elop a global identity that gives them a sense of belonging to a worldwide culture and includes an awareness of the events, practices, styles, and information that are part of the global culture† (Arnett, 2002, p. 777). In this quote, the author states that most people in the world, especially young people are the ones who are facing the challenge where they have to adopt both the global and local identity. This challenge sometimes can lead to a â€Å"hybrid identity† which is described as a mixture of both the local and global culture (Arnett, 2002, p. 778). However, the author does not provide an explanation and examples of the psychological impact of this bicultural identity in young peoples daily lives. Even though he covered this aspect, on the identity confusion section about how people can feel excluded from a society or alienated, he did not provide us with a strong example about the psychological impact of the bicultural identity. By mentioning the psychological impact of the bicultural identity in his essay, it will make readers engage and care more about this topic. One of the prominent issues described by the author in the article is on bicultural identities. The form of identity is noted as affecting young people from different parts of the world especially those from non-western countries. The author notes that in this new form of identity, people have a part of their identity rooted in their local culture while the other part is influenced by global culture (Arnett, 2002). The argument on this identity is based on increased global consciousness that is taking place in many children and adolescents. First, the author notes that children have started growing developing conscious based on the things that they observe in the world. As a result, the world things continue to influence children more in comparison to the things that take place in a local environment. As the author indicates, â€Å"Young people develop a global identity that gives them a

Communication Frameworks, Models and Methods in Social Work Practice Term Paper

Communication Frameworks, Models and Methods in Social Work Practice - Term Paper Example As per my personal view, the need for forming efficient communication capabilities is mainly required for understanding the cultural norms as well as the traditions of others. It would be vital to mention in this similar concern that the development of effective diverse communication skills through a better understanding of theoretical frameworks or models can also be applied in the context of performing best social work practices. Together with the individuals and the modern business organizations, the requirement for continuously developing a diverse set of communication skills is also indispensable for supporting the best practices of social work. This can be justified with reference to the fact that the development of communication skills would certainly support in conducting best social work practices through the acquisition of valuable information, conveying the same to others without distortion and contribute in making effective decisions (Koprowska, 2010). Prior to analyzing the communication frameworks, models and methods that are persistent within the social work practice, it is quite indispensable to acquire a brief idea about the notion of communication and its different ways or modes. From a theoretical perspective, â€Å"communication is a two-way process in which there are an exchange and progression of ideas towards a mutually accepted direction or goal† (Kaul, 2000, pp. 2).  Ã‚  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sampling Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sampling - Research Paper Example The records from the university showed that there was a sample of 1000 alumni. The survey design will utilize control categories to obtain a representative sample from the main list. The research will list the following control categories. The sex category has a larger percentage for males. The decision was arrived at because women are fewer than men. The slightly higher percentage increased their likelihood of selection. Age categories relied on recent alumni of the university. The larger percentage of 31-35 was necessary to share experiences of those who have been in the job market based on the old training program. Other categories would include; income levels based on employment or unemployment. The last category would be educational levels assessed based on secondary, tertiary or college levels.Alumni Quota sample for alumni on new training on development program Kuwaiti bank survey aims at evaluating how banking habits differ from different ethnic groups. The researcher utilizes the systematic sampling technique in which a sample is chosen by selecting a random starting point and then picking every 5th household. The sample interval is determined from the universe that totals 200000 people. Nassipur (2004) argues that when a sample is too small, the generalizability of the findings becomes difficult. When it is too small it becomes meaningless when analyzed. Besides, when the resources and time are limited a smaller sample becomes justified. The desired sample is 1500. The sample interval shall be 133. That means every 133th household has a likelihood of selection. The population resides in a geographically ordered area where tribes live alongside each other. The sample shall be distributed according to population size per region. A triangulation of sampling quota and systematic techniques will be utilized as follows. The orderly nature of geographical distribution will increase

Monday, August 26, 2019

Finding and Expert and Interviewing Expert Effectively Essay

Finding and Expert and Interviewing Expert Effectively - Essay Example Reviewing the phone book and yellow pages directory can be a good option while searching for experts. Going through the faculty directory can allow the researcher to know about the different expert research studies conducted and therefore can easily find the one most suitable for his or her research. Internet is a vast database of getting out all the available and accessible contacts of the experts. The encyclopedia is another good database for knowing about the relevant organizations and the experts present in them (Ballenger 2009). Once an expert has been found, the researcher or interviewer needs to carefully devise the interview mode so that maximum amount of useful information can be gathered from the experts accordingly and conveniently. The interview mode needs to be decided to find out the best mode of interviewing the expert candidate, the interview modes can be personal interviews, telephonic interviews or email interviews. After deciding upon the interview mode, the interviewer needs to carefully design the questions that will be posed towards the expert for gaining the information. Questions need to be designed systematically and should be made sure that all important aspects are covered for the research. Open ended questions tend to provide more in-depth information and clarification about any certain area. Close ended questions do not provide much detail. Personal experiences of the expert and their reflection are highly important to be incorporated in the research as it gives the study more weight and authenticity. Interview sessions should be regarded as conversations rather than surveys and during these interview conversations the researcher can get maximum detail about his questions. At times informal behavior may be required so as to get maximum details. The researcher needs to make a note of all the information being gathered during the interview session and this can be done

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 26

Homework - Essay Example Also, 3 qubits work on superposition of 8, whereas a couple of qubits can be in any quantum superposition of 4 conditions. Through the research undertaken both theoretically and practically, various areas are expected to yield benefits as it receives numerous supports from national government and military agencies. Expectations are high from the research as when in operation it will be capable to solve certain problems exponentially faster than any current classical computers. A molecular switch is a single molecule which can move at a controlled state of two or more. This molecule can shift its state depending on the environment stimuli such as microenvironment, temperature or an electrical current (Feringa,2001). Such components include. Crown Ether Switches, Photochromic Switches. Through research, a single molecule has been produced. It switches by manipulating the state of switchable molecules. Plans have been put to design computers that utilise this technology to build Nano-electronic processors and other devices. A laser diode is component made of positive and negative of a semiconductor diode, forming a p-n junction. It has a region that is active in the laser diode at the intrinsic region and carriers. It also has a lens that focuses laser beam, and a terminal to collect electricity. These semiconductors are incredibly reduced in size as they are designed in small components of semiconducting material, to form a perfect p-n junction. It can be used in most applications such as fibre optic barcode scanners used in stores and supermarkets (Ian, 1998). Major advantages are in information transmission through fibre optics are those that utilises light amplification of information. They also help in providing gain and thus serve as gain in media sector. Yes, technology directed in the video progresses in the right path as stated in the video through watching. There’s ease in information

Saturday, August 24, 2019

LIBRARY RESEARCH PROCESS Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

LIBRARY PROCESS - Research Paper Example A researcher should always start from the reference desk before starting researching on his topic. At the reference desk, the researcher should describe their research interests to the reference librarian based on the research questions a researcher had formulated as a guide in the project. A good researcher is always composed and sure of what they want to research on. This gives a reference librarian confidence to direct the person on the relevant steps and sources. The reference librarian will then direct the researcher to the library catalog where a researcher gathers several relevant materials on the research topic. With all that, the researcher now explores all the available materials that will assist in gathering relevant information on the research topic (Zemliansky, 2008). The exploration starts from browsing through the materials to see whether they contain information worth investigating on. Having gotten the materials, it is also part of best practice to ensure that the ma terials remain in good condition since another person may need them on a later date. Opportunity for consultation: When using brick-and-mortar library, a researcher is in a position to get first hand assistance on their research topic from experienced and trained reference librarians as compare to online research where one relies on the information gotten first (Peters, 2010). A researcher could be tempted to take the reference librarian’s direction as final without giving it further thoughts on exploration. This is risky since it might end up changing the researcher’s original idea of the project. They are inconveniencing especially when a given source is not available in the library. Usually it takes a lot of time for an interlibrary loan since protocols and procedures have to be followed before the material is availed to the researcher. Schultz, A. (2009). Digitalization and the Library: The End of Libraries as Physical Place? Redoable Lite Dean J Robinson. Retrieved

Friday, August 23, 2019

To what extent is musical taste governed by society Essay

To what extent is musical taste governed by society - Essay Example Through historical study of music, it is clear that music was thought as endanger to societal moral standards of Europe. However later it was realised that music also upholds a religious dimension and quality music has the ability to provoke suppressed religious feelings (McLeod, 1996, p. 17).In this paper, we would analyse music as a magnum opus in the context of historical, cultural and educational significance. How its evolution as an art, closely connected with various trends of our Western civilization Music in different stages has not only permitted but has enforced the application of the so-called 'historical method' which aims at describing the single work of art as a product of the creative mind of a composer or the creative tendencies of a school of composers who remain anonymous.History has reshaped internationally the outlook of music in this era and to many musicians it has harmonised the study and performance of music, therefore distinctive styles are disappearing. The past has also given us a unique concept of national identity that concerns not only the ways in which composers wrote their music, influenced by considerations such as tradition, function, social context and even language, but also its performance. Music has not limited itself to extending aspects of instrument construction and sound ideal. While considering an example of seventeenth century music in Italy, it is obvious that representation and excitation of the emotions fostered were quite contrary to earlier practice, involving emotional expression on the model of speech. Although the Italian language's free expression resulted in the music taking second place to the drama in opera, the unimaginative Italian style of presentation encouraged a trend towards virtuosity in instrumental music. With the passage of time, as Italian music adopted more formal manner of expression, its manner of presentation remained capricious and rich in fantasy (Lawson & Stowell, 1999, p. 43). This way one can see Italian music maintained its national identity, while modernising the social values of music. Music rhetoric Relationships that exist between different musical works enjoy composition among those parts. For example a theme is composed of tones and phrases; a work entails certain themes and is a discourse, of phrases (Frances & Dowling, 1988, p. 134). Since themes and work present as an approximate character of such relationships that has often been noted and attributed to a variety of reasons. First the reason that thought is external to language and that verbal thought can only designate objects and their relations while musical thought embodies its objects in tones on which it strictly depends. Second is the reason that verbal relationships, the ordering of propositions and the succession of phrases are of a logical order, whereas musical 'discourse' is of a perceptual order. What our contemporary society perceives music is the encompassing of activities implied in the comprehension of musical rhetoric to be connected with those of sensory intelligence. It is music that has enabled twentieth century psychology to contribute to the expansion of the domain of thought in the direction of perceptual organisation. For instance, thinking of 'events' and relate them to the source of elaborate activities is what music is perceived in this society however in those activities one can found biological factors of motivation, psychological activities, pathological aspects etc. Music, art and society Society has always attached great symbolic meanings and sentiments to music.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Lord of the Rings Essay Example for Free

The Lord of the Rings Essay The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring is no doubt one of the most successful films of all time. The main reason it is and the main reason of this essay is the contrast between the forces of good and evil. The division of good and evil is clear from the start of the film right to the very end. At the end it seems as though evil is dominating and threatening to triumph over good forever. Camera shots are used to show this contrast As soon as the film has begun there are long slow moving panning shots which show a vast area of the setting. This camera shot is often used in the film and are used to set the scene. The effect given by this particular camera angle is that the area is calm and peaceful. It is a place full of grass, trees, flowers etc. This suggests a world of innocence or good. Further on in the film, the evil comes into the picture. The camera shots used for evil areas or evil people are almost exactly opposite to those of the good parts of the film. Although the camera shots are still panning shots, rather than show a few slow moving camera angles, it shows many quicker moving shots. This helps to add the evil effect and to emphasise that the place is quicker in movement and it is no longer calm and peaceful. This happens very early on too. It happens when we first see the evil tower. The filmmaker also uses many low angle camera views. These angles are used to show a character or building seem more threatening, larger, imposing and/or powerful. This is shown as soon as the evil comes into the picture when the tower/castle is shown. It is dark and is taken from a low angle for the effect. It also happens a lot to Gandalf, the wizard, when he is around the hobbits. There are other camera angles used too that include high angle shots. These are obviously the opposite of low angle shots. They are used to show a person or building seem smaller and less threatening. An example could be when we see hobbits. Hobbits are very small creatures so high angle shots would be used here. Close-up and extreme close-up shots are used too. These are used to show facial expression. This is very often in he film. Probably every scene in the film has a close-up and extreme close-up shot. There are also double shots. This is when two people are shown in the picture and this shot is often used to show conversation. A good example of this is when Gandalf and Bilbo, the hobbit, are smoking the weed late at night. This is also very early on in the film.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Distribution decisions Essay Example for Free

Distribution decisions Essay The tutorial about distribution decisions deals mainly with establishing an effective and efficient system that will make the products accessible to the market. It teaches the different channels of distribution including the process of ordering, handling and shipping, storage, display, promotion, selling, and information feedback. The channels include resellers, specialty service firms who are important although a little costly. There are two kinds of channel arrangements: independent (no binding relationship), and dependent (has binding relationship). Also, there are three kinds of distribution systems: direct distribution systems, indirect distribution systems, and multi-channel hybrid systems. The tutorial also warns of the issues in establishing channel relationships such as delivery, profit margins, other incentives, packaging, training, and promotional help. The tutorial on retailing examines retailers as a type of resellers of a product to consumers who only want to buy in small quantities. Their main concerns are customer satisfaction, ability to acquire the right products, product presentations, traffic building, layout, location, and keeping pace with technology. Retailers are categorized in many ways; included in the tutorial are: target markets served (mass, specialty, exclusive market), product offerings (general, multiple lines specialty, single line specialty merchandiser), pricing strategy (discount, competitive, full price pricing), promotional focus (advertising, direct mail, personal selling), distribution method (store-based which can be stand-alone, strip-shopping center, shopping area, and regional shopping mall; and non-store sellers which can be online sellers, direct marketers, and vending), service level (self, assorted, full service), and ownership structures (individually owned, corporate chain, corporate structure, contractually licensed). There are also a variety of retail formats which are mom-and pop, mass discounters, warehouse stores, category killers, department stores, boutique, catalog retailers, e-tailers, franchise, convenience store, and vending. In wholesaling, the sellers sell in bulk to their consumers. Their main concern involves disinter-mediation, facility location, transportation costs, adapting to new technologies, and offering non-product assistance. They are categorized according to products carried (general and specialty merchandise), promotional activities (extensive and limited promotion), distribution (stationary location with customer and not customer accessible; and non-stationary location with mobile and no facilities), service level (full, limited, and no service), and product ownership (do take and do not take title). Wholesale formats consist of general and specialty merchandise, contractual, industrial distributors, cash-and-carry, truck, rack jobber, drop shipper, broker, and agent. In managing product movement, three tasks are important which have a cost-service tradeoff: ordering and inventory management, product storage, and transportation. Ordering and inventory have to be managed by considering order entry and processing, demand forecasting, customer knowledge, channel relationship, physical product handling, storage and transportation. The tutorial is effective in a sense that it takes the learner through a step by step process in understanding the definitions of terms, what the different topics are about, and gives the learner an idea on how to apply the process in real marketing situations. The tutorial is also effective because it is simple and easy to understand. It also breaks down complicated topics and lays them out in an easy-to-understand manner. The only problem with the tutorial is that it lacked examples of real life situations to which the approaches were used, especially since examples often makes everything clearer and makes the whole presentation have more real life applications and not just theoretical things that can be skipped In the issues in information and IS, information exchange and communication is very valuable between the company and their distributors. Any decision by marketing should be communicated internally in production. The IT manager is to integrate the communication among production, marketing and distributors to streamline everything. A sophisticated tracking of orders and products is also necessary among them.

International capital budgeting

International capital budgeting Executive Summary In todays competitive environment, with companies are looking to expand their business not only nationally but also in foreign markets. For taking the decision on whether to invest in a foreign operation or not the company needs to assess various options it has. Capital Budgeting techniques are used in order to evaluate or compare different proposals. There is a difference in capital budgeting techniques for foreign operations as several factors such as exchange rates, inflation rates, blocked funds, government policies, etc. The returns arising out of foreign operations are different for the subsidiary company and parent company. Cash Flows should be computed for the investor i.e. the parent company and if the NPV of cash flows after subsequent adjustments comes out to be positive for parent company the investment decision might seem fruitful. Although a positive NPV for subsidiary would also add to the wealth of the corporation but generally parent companys in such instances are a little hesitant to invest. Favourable condition is the one in which both companies have a positive return. The cost of capital also needs to be estimated correctly by making suitable adjustments. Overall cost of capital should be lowered by having an optimal cost structure within several constraints. Several Decisions need to be made by the International Finance Manager on whether to expand, postpone or abandon the project in cases of sudden rise or fall in demand. Generally, companies do not wish to abandon the project as entering and leaving market is more costlier than bearing operational loss for sometime. Careful attention to the demand and other foreign and local government policies come into picture while taking this decision. Introduction Many firms around the world carry out business activities in more than one country such firms are known as Multinational Corporations (MNCs). With increase in globalization such activities have been on a rise. Many Indian firms also after the inception of Liberalization, Globalization and Privatization policy have started to raise finances in foreign markets, export goods and services, import goods and services and even invest abroad. However, the fundamentals of financial management do not differ whether the firm is domestic or an International firm i.e. a firm which has significant foreign operations. Although there are a few factors that need to be considered in International firms such as currency denominations, tax and other Government implications, varying accounting standards, barriers to trade and financial flows and political risk. One of the key factors for firms having their operations in foreign countries is the exchange rate. Exchange rate unlike few years back (1971) where devaluations and revaluations occurred only very rarely has given way to the system of floating exchange rates. In a system of completely floating exchange rates, the relative prices of the currencies are determined entirely by the demand-supply gap. Authorities in such a system do not attempt to influence the rate movements. But such an ideal system does not exist. Governments in all countries attempt to influence the movements of exchange prices either through direct intervention or through a mix of monetary and fiscal policies as they regard exchange rate as a very important macro-economic variable. Such a system is called dirty float. Exchange rate directly influences the estimation of budget of a foreign investment. So in order to accurately forecast the budget or profitability of a project it is essential to forecast the exchange rates for future. Exchange Rates An exchange represents the price of one currency expressed in terms of another. There are two ways of quoting an exchange rate. Direct Quote: A type of quote in which exchange rate for a foreign currency is quoted in terms of number of units of local currency that are equal to a single unit of foreign currency. For example when it is said that exchange rate for dollar is Rs 46, it illustrates a direct quote for Dollar. Indirect Quote: A type of quote in which exchange rate for a foreign currency is quoted in terms of number of units of foreign currency that are equal to a unit of local currency. For example when it is said that $0.0233 is equal to Re. 1, it illustrates an indirect quote for Dollar. Since 1993, the interbank foreign exchange market in India has been using system of direct quote, prior to that it used a system of indirect quote. International Standards Organization has developed three letter codes for all currencies that are used by the SWIFT network that affects the inter-bank fund transfers. Codes for a few currencies are: Spot Rate Quotations Spot Rate refers to the rate of a foreign exchange contract for immediate delivery. Although it is said to be immediate its settlement is done in two business days after the date of transaction. A quotation consists of two prices. The first price is the bid price i.e. the price at which the dealer is willing to buy. The second price is the ask price i.e. the price at which the dealer is willing to sell. The difference between the two prices is known as the bid ask spread. It reflects the breadth, depth and volatility of the currency market. The spread is generally expressed in percentage terms. For e.g. if USD/INR Spot :46.2500/46.2600, it means that the dealer would buy one US dollar for Rs 46.2500 and sell one US dollar for Rs 46.6000. In this the bid ask spread is: Cross Rate Quotations If the exchange rate between currencies A and B and currencies B and C is known then the exchange rate between currencies A and C can be determined by the following: S(A/C) = S(A/B) x S(B/C) Forward Rate Quotations A rate which is fixed today but the settlement for the transactions occurs at some specified date in the future. Banks normally quote forward rates for maturities in the whole calendar months. For commercial customers it is mentioned in the same way as quotation for spot rate. For e.g.: USD/INR 3 Month Forward : 46.4220/46.5210 The above statement signifies that after three months bank would buy one dollar for 46.4220 and sell one dollar for 46.5210. However, in the interbank market the forward quotes are given as a pair of swap points which are then added or subtracted from forward quotation. The swap quote only expresses the difference between the spot quote and forward quote. Decimals are not written in swap quotes and are represented as follows: Conversion of Swap Rate into Outright Rate Swap rate can be converted into outright rate by adding premium or subtracting the discount from spot rate. If the forward bid rate in points is more than offer rate then the forward rate is at a premium and hence the points are added to the spot rate in order to get outright rate. If the forward bid rate is more than the offer rate in points then the swap points are subtracted from the spot rate. The swap quotation is generally expressed such that the last digit coincides with the same place as the last digit of spot price. So, in USD/INR quote given above, the rate 20/10 would mean INR 0.0020/INR 0.0010. On application of the above rule to the example, the outright forward quotation would be: USD/INR 1 month forward: 46.5005/46.5020. Forward Premiums and Discounts If the US dollar is costlier in the forward market than in the current market then it is said that it is at a forward premium in relation to Rupee. Similarly if it is cheaper in the forward market it is said to be at a discount in relation to Rupee. With two way quotations there is no single unique way of quantifying the premium or discounts. One way commonly used is expressing premium or discount as an annualized percentage deviation from spot rate. Forward premium(discount) = (n-day forward rate spot rate)/spot rate x 360/n n length of forward contract in number of days Futures and Options in Foreign Currencies An alternative to the forward market is the futures market. The currency futures contracts are standardised currency forward contracts in terms of size of the contract and delivery dates. The difference between forward contracts and futures is that forwards are customized whereas futures are standardized contracts. International Parity Relationships In order to have consistent international financial policy a relationship between interest rates, inflation rates and exchange rates needs to be understood. Following theories suffice this purpose: Covered Interest Arbitrage and Interest Rate Parity It is an investment strategy whereby an investor buys a financial instrument denominated in a foreign currency and hedges his foreign exchange risk by selling a forward contract in the amount of the proceeds of the investment back into base currency. Combined effect of such transactions and market pressures result in an equilibrium relationship which is known as interest rate parity (IRP) which preludes covered interest arbitrage transactions. When IRP exists, the difference between forward rate and the spot rate is enough to offset the difference between interest rates in two currencies. IRP condition states that the home interest rate must be higher or lower than the foreign interest rate by an amount equal to forward discount or premium on home currency. IRP can be stated as follows: Purchasing Power Parity According to the concept of purchasing power parity barring the effects of barriers associated with the movement of goods or services across countries, price of each product shall be same in each country, after making the appropriate currency conversions. It is also known as law of one price in economics. For goods which cannot be easily stored or transported law of one price doesnt hold, but for goods like crude oil and gold which can be easily stored and transported there arent major deviations from law of one price. A less restrictive form of Purchasing Power Parity is called the relative purchasing power parity which states that the difference in inflation rate between two countries is offset by the change in exchange rate. Relative Purchasing Power Parity can be expressed as follows: International Capital Budgeting Once a company has reached a decision to invest abroad the next thing to do is to evaluate various projects/proposals. The evaluation of the long term investment project is known as capital budgeting. The method of capital budgeting is quite similar for both a domestic company and an international company. The difference is that in order to evaluate for an international company different aspects need to be taken into account such as computation of cash flow relating to project in viewpoint of both parent and subsidiary, cost of capital, etc. Evaluation Criteria An investment proposal can be evaluated using two types of method non-discounting and discounting methods. The non-discounting methods are simple to compute but are not as accurate as discounting methods as they do not take into consideration the time value of money. The focus would mainly be on the discounting methods. Non-Discounting Methods Average Accounting Rate of Return: It takes into account profit before interest and tax with respect to investment. The profit is then compared to the required rate of return. A project is acceptable if the mean profit is higher than the required rate of return. The negative aspects of this method are that it is based on accounting income and not on the cash flow; it considers profit before tax and it also ignores the time value of money. Pay Back Period: It is the number of years required in order to recover the initial investment. This method mainly focuses on early recovery of funds but does not consider the cash flow after the pay back period i.e. it does not take into account the life of the project. The advantage of such non-discounting methods are that they are easy to compute and can be used in the initial stages of project in order to compare which project would be able to recover the investment quicker. Discounting Methods Net Present Value: In this approach projects are accepted where the present value of net cash inflow during the life span of project is greater than initial investment. It is computed using. Choice between different methods During comparing two proposals sometimes the result of two methods may differ as they rest on different assumptions concerning the reinvestment of funds released from the project. The NPV rule implies reinvestment at a rate equivalent to the required rate of return which is used as the discount rate whereas IRR assumes the funds to be reinvested at IRR. However, in such a case NPV is given preference as there are a few limitations of IRR method. Firstly, where projects of different life span are considered IRR inflates desirability of a short-life project as IRR is a function of both the time involved and size of capital investment. Secondly, IRR remains to be lower on projects with a longer gestation period, even when NPV remains larger because IRR is high in those projects where several benefits accrue in early part of their economic life. Thirdly, there is a possibility of two IRR rates coming for a given NPV as they are computed using a polynomial equation. Between PI and NPV, NPV is given preference as it represents an absolute value. Computation of the Cash Flow The decision to start a new project involves outlay of cash flow in form of investment but in return brings in funds and adds to the firms stock of wealth in future. Cash Flow can be grouped under three heads: Initial Investment during the period, to Operating cash flow during the period, t1 to tn Terminal cash flow or salvage value emerging at the end og the period, tn. The following factors should be kept in mind: Cash Flow is considered on after tax basis Financing cost is not included despite the fact that capital has a cost because such costs are considered elsewhere while determining projects required rate of return Cash flow is computed on an incremental basis and represents the difference between cash flow after the investment and cash flow in absence of investment Certain costs do not involve cash flow but involve opportunity cost, such costs are included in the decision process Parent Units Perspective and the Cash Flow In multinational capital budgeting the question arises whether to compute the cash flow from viewpoint of the parent company or viewpoint of subsidiary company because cash outflow of one could be cash inflow for the other. For e.g. if the subsidiary company gives the parent company a royalty fees then it becomes an inflow for the parent company but it is an outflow for the subsidiary company. It is difficult to take a decision on whether to accept or reject a proposal in such instances. In fact there may be many situations when the disparity in the cash flow between the parent and its subsidiary occurs. For example if the tax rates in home country and foreign country are different disparity in cash flow would arise. It is possible that on account of lower tax rates in foreign country the after tax cash inflow is large enough to justify the investment proposal. On the other hand high tax rates in the home country might render the investment proposal infeasible from viewpoint of the p arent company. The parent company might reject the proposal due to low cash inflow due to exchange control applied by the foreign government, despite the cash flow being sufficient for implementation. In a situation where parent company charges the subsidiary exorbitantly for the use of technology and management, the cash inflow accruing to the parent company will be larger justifying the investment decision. Lastly, changes in exchange rate may change the cash flow of parent company. When the currency of the foreign country appreciates parent company gets a larger flow of cash in terms of its own currency. This might alter the accept-reject decision. In corporate financial management the value of the project is determined by net present value of the future cash flows available to the investor. Since, parent company is the one which invests in the project , it is the cash flow of the parent company that is taken into account in the context of international capital budgeting. Initial Investment If the entire project cost is met by the parent company the entire amount of initial investment is treated as the cash outflow. There are instances when the project is partly financed by the subsidiary itself through local borrowings but such borrowings do not form a part of the initial cash outflow. In some cases the subsidiary company makes additional investment for expansion out of the retained earnings, in such a case there is no cash outflow from the parent company but such costs should be treated as opportunity costs because in absence of retention of earnings, these funds could have been transferred to parent company rather than invested in the project in question. Thus, the investment out of retained earnings should be treated as cash outflow from parent companys perspective. Sometimes foreign government imposes exchange control and does not allow the cash to flow to the parent company. Such funds are called as blocked funds. For this reason the part of the cash that is blocked is not treated as cash inflow from the parents perspective. However, if the blocked funds are reinvested in some new project then that amount is considered as investment by the parent company. Operating cash flow Besides the initial investment, some adjustments need to be made to the operating cash flow as well. The revenue generated through the sale of a subsidiarys product in the local market as well as in other countries is shown as cash inflow to the parent company but it is subject to downward adjustment by the lost income on sales previously realized through parent companys export to these markets. On the other hand if operation in the subsidiary leads to import of components and raw material from parent company value of such import will be added to the revenue. The transfer pricing, when the parent company or any other unit of the firm charges price for intra-firm transfer of intermediate goods, also influences the operating cash flow. The transfer pricing is adopted either for better working capital management or wavering of taxes through shifting of before-tax profit to a country with lower tax rates. When transfer pricing lowers the overall tax burden on the parent company it is treated as cash inflow. However, such inflows are discounted at a higher rate because they involve great risk. If there are incentives from the foreign government, they are included in capital budgeting. For example, if foreign government offers loan at a subsidized rate then the gains from such an incentive is treated as operating cash inflow. When the subsidiary takes loans locally, the amount of interest payment is deducted from operating cash inflow. In case of domestic capital budgeting it is not the case as financing cost is included in the discount rate, but in case of international capital budgeting, the cash remitted to parent company would seem to be overstated if interest payments are not treated as cash outflow. Inflation influences both the cost and the revenue streams of the project and hence inflation rate differential also needs to be taken into account. If the inflation rate is higher in foreign country and if the import from the parent company constitutes a significant portion of the input of subsidiary, the cost will not move up very high but if the inputs are bought locally the cost increase may be substantial. Similarly, revenue would move up if there is no competition from foreign suppliers and the demand for the product is price inelastic. Although if inflation rates are very fluctuating it becomes very difficult to make an accurate forecast as the inflation differential would keep on changing. The exchange rate fluctuation influences the size of the cash flow. Changes in exchange rate are not only due to the changes in inflation rates but several other factors. It is difficult to predict the behaviour of those factors. Nevertheless, the cash flow computation process incorporates different scenarios of exchange rate movements. If there is an appreciation in the value of foreign currency, it is good for the parent company as it will increase the size of cash inflow in terms of home currency. This gain may be offset by the high inflation rate but if in the future the rate of inflation is expected to lower thus helping appreciate the value of foreign countrys currency, the subsidiary should invest locally the payments to the parent company till the strengthening of currency. Terminal Cash Flow When salvage value of a project is uncertain the parent company makes several estimates of salvage value or terminal cash flow and computes the NPV based on each possible outcome of terminal cash flow. Alternatively, it computes the break even salvage i.e. terminal cash flow necessary in order to achieve zero NPV for the project. Break even salvage value is then compared to estimated cash flow. If the estimated terminal cash flow is less than break even salvage value, the investment proposal would be rejected as the NPV would be negative. On the other hand if the subsidiary would sell for more than break-even salvage value then this would be incorporated into assessment of whether to accept the project or reject it. To further explain the terminal cash flow, we would break up the cash flow beginning from the first year to the nth year into operating cash flow (OCFt) and terminal cash flow (TCFn). So from the above equation we can conclude that in order to compute break even terminal cash flow we have to first estimate the present value of operating cash flows or the future cash flows without salvage value. When computed it is deducted from initial investment and difference is multiplied by (1+k)n. Parent-Subsidiary Perspective: An Alternative Approach In the earlier approach we analyzed that NPV of the investor is taken into account rather than project while deciding on whether to invest in a certain project or not. But if projects NPV is positive, it is bound to add to corporate wealth of firm as a whole. Under this approach two NPVs are computed, one from parent companys point of view and other is the NPV of the project. Finally the acceptance or rejection decision is based on NPV of both of them. In order to calculate the NPVP or Net Present Value from Parent companys perspective following steps are taken: Estimate the cash flow in foreign currency Estimate the future spot exchange rate on the basis of available forward rates Convert the foreign currency cash flow into home currency Find home currency using home currency discount rate Similarly to find out NPVS or Net present value from subsidiarys perspective following steps are taken: Estimate cash flow in foreign currency Identify the foreign currency discount rate Discount the foreign currency cash flow at foreign currency discount rate Convert the resultant NPV into the home country currency at spot exchange rate. In the above case the cash inflow represents the earnings of the project in foreign currency irrespective of the fact whether cash moves towards or away from the parent unit. The two methods above assume all-equity capital structure and so, if the parity conditions existed in the real world the two approaches would give the same value. But generally debt is normally included in capital structure in order to lower the cost of capital and furthermore parity conditions do not exist. The possible results could be: NPVP and NPVS: both negative and in such a case project is rejected NPVP and NPVS: both positive; in such a case project is accepted NPVP>0>NPVS: The project is attractive from parent companys point of view but not from subsidiary companys point of view. In such a case project could be accepted but there are chances of loss in value in terms of foreign currency. NPVP

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Identity Theft and the Internet Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research P

Identity Theft and the Internet You come home and find two mysterious UPS packages at your doorstep. Funny; they're addressed to you, but you didn't order anything. You open one of them to find a cell phone with the latest accessories. The enclosed invoice shows that it was shipped to you but billed to someone with your name at another address a few miles away. Same name? Same city? Stranger things can happen. There's a phone number, so your husband tries to call to let your namesake know that UPS delivered her packages to the wrong address. When you hear the woman on the line say, "Yes, this is [insert your full name here]," you get a sinking feeling in your stomach. Your husband quickly hangs up on her. Another review of the invoice reveals payment was made by MasterCard. You have a MasterCard but haven't used it in a while, so--what the hell--you call the toll-free customer service line. After being transferred here and there, answering this question and that one, it hits you: you're just another victim. This is the way I discovered last year that I had become a victim of identity theft. Weeks and months later, I learned that, in addition to making fraudulent charges to my credit card, the criminals opened several cell phone accounts using my name, address, date of birth, and social security number. They even had the audacity to have two phones purchased illegally added to my existing, legitimate cell phone account. At times, I loathed opening my mailbox for fear of finding yet another invoice asking me to pay hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars for these lowlifes to buy and talk on cell phones. Should you ever find yourself in a similar, unfortunate situation, know that the Internet contains web sites that can he... ...en made, my case is still pending. With the help of the Internet, I am an informed victim who was able to more than fully cooperate in the criminal investigation into the crime committed against me. Web sites don't have to be directly related to identity theft for them to be helpful. Each of the sites I visited during the course of my personal investigation, productive for the criminal investigation or not, contributed to the peace of mind and confidence I now feel. Fraudulent bills and collection notices continue to arrive in the mail but no longer intimidate me. I am empowered with knowledge, and I look forward to the day that my case is solved and the perpetrators are brought to justice. Because my case is still pending, I choose not to explicitly describe its specific details so that the eventual prosecution of the perpetrators is not jeopardized in any way.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fear in Wordsworths My heart leaps up when I behold, We Are Seven, Tin

Fear in Wordsworth's My heart leaps up when I behold, We Are Seven, Tintern Abbey, and Resolution and Independence Fear in Wordsworth's "My heart leaps up when I behold", "We Are Seven", "Tintern Abbey", and "Resolution and Independence" Romantic poetry conjures in the mind of many people images of sweet, pastoral landscapes populated by picturesque citizens who live in quaint houses in rustic villages, with sheep grazing on green-swathed hills, while a young swain plights his troth to his fair young maiden, who reclines demurely amidst the clover and smiles sunnily. William Wordsworth is perhaps the archetypal Romantic poet; his most famous poem, "I wandered lonely as a cloud", would seem on first reading to support the traditional, one could say stereotypical, image of a Romantic poet. Even his name, Words-worth, reinforces that image. And yet, upon looking more closely and carefully at his works, it becomes clear that the emotions which motivate his creativity are not solely a love of nature and pastorality. Let us consider Wordsworth's "My heart leaps up when I behold". The poem can be interpreted on a very simple level as a typical Romantic poem: there is the glorying in and of nature that most people immediately think of when Romantic poetry is mentioned. The speaker is thrilled when he sees a rainbow, he was thrilled in his youth when he saw a rainbow, and when he is old he will continue to be thrilled by seeing a rainbow; if he cannot be thrilled, he would rather be dead. The speaker's life has a kind of continuity, of stability, through the process of memory. The reader can wipe away a tear and mumble "Isn't that nice?", and switch on Three's Company; this interpretation affirms our sense of what poets should fee... ...rom finding "In that decrepit Man so firm a mind" (line 145), finding, however temporarily, a source of courage against his fears (lines 146-147): 'God,' said I, 'be my help and stay secure; I'll think of the Leech-gatherer on the lonely moor.' Works Cited All quotations are taken from the following book, references given parenthetically within the text: Stephen Gill, editor. The Oxford Authors: William Wordsworth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986. o "The Idiot Boy", pp. 67-80 o "Michael", pp. 224-236 o "My heart leaps up when I behold", pp. 246-247 o "Resolution and Independence", pp. 260-264 o "Tintern Abbey", pp. 131-135 o "We Are Seven", p. 84 except, where indicated by "Coleridge", from: Donald A. Stauffer, editor. Selected Poetry and Prose of Coleridge. Random House: New York, 1951. o "Dejection: An Ode", pp. 78-82

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Tom Sawyer - No Average Young Boy :: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: No Average Young Boy To say that Tom Sawyer was an average young boy growing up in Illinois would be an understatement. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", written by Mark Twain is an absolutely enchanting book. Every episode is more exciting than the prior one, which is why this book receives five stars. Set in the old Southwest in an almost poverty stricken shabby village called St. Petersburg. The whole town knows one another, and of course they know each other’s business. Sunday was the holy day when everyone would gather at the church to compare notes on the past weeks events. The children had to rely on making good clean fun from meager surroundings. Swimming, fishing, picnicking, and playing "Hide n' seek" in the long hot summer days were all good ways to pass the time. But Tom was more venturesome than that, and with his best friend Huckleberry Finn, he lived everyday to its fullest. Tom had a little more schooling than Huck, but Huck was growing up on the streets and surviving just fine considering that his father was a drunk. Tom had a good home, being raised by his Aunt Polly, (his mother died so her sister took him in). He also lived with his half-brother, Sid, whose main objective in life was to make Tom’s miserable by ratting him out all the time, and his q uiet cousin Mary. His antics were ingenious though. The way that he turned whitewashing the fence as a punishment into a grand experience for all of the boys in town who couldn’t wait to hold the brush and paint. Tom was not a bad boy, just an inquisitive one who’s mind never rested†¦ always dreaming, and making his dreams sound so good, he could always rope Huck Finn into his escapades. Tom couldn’t lie, and he couldn’t see someone suffer for the sins of another, as seen when he tells the truth about the murder of Dr. Robinson. It took real guts to point the finger at "Injun Joe", the half-breed, who was also one of the most despicable scoundrels in the town. Tom was also loyal to his friends, and showed that when he wouldn’t tell that Huck Finn was with him that night the doctor was killed in the graveyard. Tom also couldn’t leave Becky Thatcher in the cave when they were lost and she had all but given up hope of being found.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Lost City of Z

Non-Fiction Literature Circle by Aidan Morrow Author: explained in presentation Audience: This book was written for an older audience of anyone who would love a good tale of adventure. This is because of the novel’s length and due to the fact of the death and sadness that finds its self in this book. Argument: A cautionary tale about over reaching ones personal limits, very much like the story of Icarus. Evidence: The evidence of the books truths are strewn upon the last 80 pages of the book.This novel has an extensive bibliography on many important facts in this novel. What’s left out: The rubber boom should have been explained more. It was the reason for most of the Indians death and would have played a part of the background story of the Indians. Most compelling quote: â€Å"Starvation sounds almost unbelievable in forest country, and yet it is only too likely to happen. – Percy Harrison Fawcett† Implications of your learning: Now after hearing this sto ry of Percy I care about finding him and the lost city of El Dorado (lost city of Z).With modern medicine and modern technology there must be a way to solve all the unanswered questions left by this book. Connections to other readings: One of the main connections to other readings I found was the story of Icarus. Icarus's father Daedalus, a talented and remarkable Athenian craftsman. Daedalus fashioned two pairs of wings out of wax and feathers for himself and his son. Daedalus tried his wings first, but before taking off from the island, warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, nor too close to the sea, but to follow his path of flight.Overcome by the giddiness that flying lent him, Icarus soared through the sky curiously, but in the process he came too close to the sun, which melted the wax. Icarus kept flapping his wings but soon realized that he had no feathers left and that he was only flapping his bare arms, and so Icarus fell into the sea in the area which today bears his name, the Icarian Sea near Icaria, an island southwest of Samos. A question for discussion: Do you believe that Percy could have found the lost city if he had Alexander Rice Jr. ’s funds for his exhibition?

Friday, August 16, 2019

Supersize Me Summary

Several legal suits have been brought against McDonald's Restaurants that they are knowingly selling food that is unhealthy. Some of the court decisions have stated that the plaintiffs would have a claim if they could prove that eating the food every day for every meal is dangerous. As such, documentarian Morgan Spurlock conducts an unscientific experiment using himself as the guinea pig: eat only McDonald's for thirty days, three meals a day. If he is asked by the clerk if he would like the meal super sized, he has to say yes. And by the end of the thirty days, he will have had to have eaten every single menu item at least once.Before starting the experiment, he is tested by three doctors – a general practitioner, a cardiologist and a gastroenterologist – who pronounce his general health to be outstanding. They will also monitor him over the thirty days to ensure that he is not placing his health into irreparable damage. He also consults with a dietitian/nutritionist a nd an exercise physiologist, the latter who also deems him to be above average fitness. As it mimics the lifestyle of those who eat fast food, he will also do no exercise for the thirty days, limiting himself to under 5,000 steps per day (the approximate equivalent of 2? iles). These health and medical experts have some predictions about his general health and wellness by the end of the experiment. His vegan chef girlfriend also has some predictions about how this experiment will affect his mood and therefore their relationship. As he goes through the experiment, he speaks to a number of people – many experts in their respective fields – on the pros and cons of the fast food lifestyle. Just over halfway through the experiment, it is evident that even the experts can be wrong, and not in a good way.

Dynamic and formal equivalence Essay

Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. Semantic Translation: Semantic translation takes advantage of semantics that associate meaning with individual data elements in one dictionary to create an equivalent meaning in a second system. Literal Translation: Literal translation, or directed translation, is the rendering of text from one language to another â€Å"word-for-word† (Latin: â€Å"verbum pro verbo†) with or without conveying the sense of the original. Functional Translation: Functional approach to translation values the context and desist from treating language merely as a code. Official translation: A complete and accurate translation into English from the issuing language. DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE: Dynamic equivalence (or functional equivalence) conveys the essential thoughts expressed in a source text. In this, translator focuses more on the culture and linguistics expression. FORMAL EQUIVALENCE: Formal equivalence focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content. While the translator is trying to find formal equivalence, he or she is closely following the form, content and structure. LEGAL TRANSLATION Legal translation is the translation of texts within the field of law. As law is a culture-dependent subject field, the work of legal translation and its products are not necessarily linguistically transparent. It is important to note almost all the original drafts at the centre and states level are usually prepared in English and then got translated into Hindi. But the original’ text (i. e. the English version) is called the ‘translated text’, whereas the translated text (i. e. the Hindi version) is known as the ‘original one. Points to be taken care at time of translation Only professional translators specializing in legal translation should translate legal documents The translator should be aware of the legal system of the source text (ST) as it is structured in a way that suits that culture Similarly, the target text (TT) is to be read by someone who is familiar with the other legal system and its language. It should not have any defect which would result in misinterpretation, misunderstanding and misconstruction. It should convey the same meaning as the original text gives. The translator should neither add nor subtract anything from his side. He should not give a word for word translations but grasp the original meaning. The intention of the legislator should also be kept in mind while translating the enactment. REGULATION NO. 1 OF 1803 The rule of translation from English into Hindi, provided under section 18 of the Regulation No 1of 1803, â€Å"The translator shall translate the regulations into plain and easy language and in all possible cases, shall reject words not in common use. So far as may be consistent with the preservation of the true meaning and spirit of regulations, he shall adopt the idiom of the native languages, instead of giving a close verbal translation of the English drafts which must necessarily render the translation obscure and often unintelligible to natives. † The Gazette of India (: Bharat kaa Rajpatra) is a public journal and an authorized legal document of the Government of India published weekly by the Department of Publication, Ministry of Urban Development. (1) (2) (3) Common PROBLEMS FACED DURING TRANSLATION The translator sometimes brings in his own beliefs and experiences in interpreting a document. This could potentially harm the document’s accuracy, intent and effect. The translator could have a problem in comprehending the language too. There are some rare words whose meanings escape, not only the general public but also the dictionaries. Reading the original language poses a problem to inexperienced or unskilled translators. Language can be misused unintentionally.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Becoming a Captain

The Cheerleading Captain plays a very important role on the team. The captain’s experience, attitude, and ability to effectively communicate information effects the team’s success. I believe that I would make a great captain because I possess all of these skills. I am an experienced cheerleader. I have been on the Varsity team for two years. You have taught me what it takes to be on a winning team. It takes hard work, perseverance, never quitting, and a lot of practice. This is invaluable experience for a captain. Also, I have had the privilege of serving as co-captain this past season.This has given me confidence in calling cheers and taught me how to get the whole team’s attention. I have represented Cheer in multiple news interviews. I did not feel very comfortable doing the interviews at first, but this experience has thought me how to represent our squad to the community. Lastly, my two years of cheer combined with four years of all-star competitive cheer ha s allowed me to acquire a solid stunting skill set. I am an excellent second base, and I know how to help other bases in a stunt group so that the flyer can have a stable transition.This knowledge and experience will allow me to teach others if needed. Should you select me as captain I will continue to work on my skills because a captain leads by example. A positive attitude is absolutely required from a captain. And, I have a positive attitude. I will confess there are mornings when I am tired or my body is sore but I show up at the gym on time and begin rolling out the mats, and never complain. This is important because if one person has a negative attitude about something it seems to spread like a virus.A positive leadership attitude is essential to correcting others and motiving those who are slacking. I feel comfortable calling a team member out and telling them what they do not want to hear (but need to hear) if that is what it takes to make our squad better. And, I am quick t o compliment and encourage teammates when I see them doing something good. I have a positive leadership attitude and others respect me because not only do I lead, but I also work just as hard to correct myself when needed. Effective communication skills are essential for a captain.I am organized and detailed which are two necessary characteristics for a good communicator. These are natural characteristics for me that would make it easy as a captain to communicate information to all my team members. Timely and correct information is vital when there are scheduling, uniform, and/or time changes, etc. You and I have a good relationship and communicate well with each other, this will allow us to easily work together. I am good at both text messaging and emailing. No team member would have the excuse of having the wrong information if I was captain.If you select me your Varsity Cheer Captain, I will never think or act like I am above your rules or any of the policies or procedures of â⠂¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ High School. I will be a positive role model for the team. I will continue to work on my skills because a captain is not exempt from needing to improve as a competitor. I will demonstrate my experience, positive attitude and effective communication skills if chosen as caption. I am confident, loud, full of energy, and I will make you proud if you chose me.